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INFERIORITY COMPLEX IS A DISEASE - For cry out loud, you are not a commodity, you an entity of large

No one can be cured medically when it comes to inferiority complex. The cure for this sickness starts from you. It's only you who can cure yourself. Stand to you feet and see yourself not as a commodity. You are an entity of a larger community, you have to know this so that you work according to your stand.

You still think that you are not equal to your mates, why? Is it material things they have you don't have? Those are vanity, and cannot determine whether or not one is going to be great. See yourself as one who can do a thing when you mean to do it.

Don't let anyone write the story of your life by belittling you, and you get hit instantly. Reject and stand against that. Be strong in the heart, be smart like the serpent and be wise like the dove, fly higher like the eagle, be swift like that cheetah and set your goal higher above your estimates. Work towards your personality, and know how to present yourself.

See the greatness I see in you. You cannot be inferior as though there is a price tag on you. You are not place in the market for sale. Rather you are for a greater dream which you should set and hit it's track. Start now and change the way you appear before others. Stand to your feet and speak to and for yourself.

Now is the time not tomorrow. If you don't do this now as the tomorrow you always talk about, your tomorrow isn't going to come, because when the said tomorrow eventually comes, you will definitely fix another tomorrow. Sing the song of greatness now, and make yourself known as a community you are; not a commodity of inferior prices.

You are not alone. Get in touch let's talk more about this and help you.

Best wishes!

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